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Notice What You are Noticing

“Notice what you are noticing.” I have heard these words all week. Every morning I ask my angels to give me messages. Usually I seek answers through my Doreen Virtue “Messages from Your Angels” card deck before I leave for work in the morning. Late last week I heard these five words in my head and all week I have felt like my third eye is wide open.

Instead of feeling and experiencing the psychic abilities I have read about all over the internet that are common with person’s third eye opening I feel like I am seeing through all the crap and junk in my life. Remember the movie, “Limitless” with Bradley Cooper? I feel like I’m in the scene when he takes the pill for the first time and finally has clarity in his life.

Here’s the clip, it has the director voice over.

I come home from my job and I realize that I work too many hours at and I spend all my passion on it. I see a house that is too messy; family and friends that I don’t get to connect with as much as I would like to and I have clarity that the life I have is one that I do not want. It’s a great life from the outside looking in. But it’s not my true calling and it’s a shame, I worked hard to get where I am. I want to have passion for things that truly ignite my creative drive. I feel like we are entering a new era. I hear in my head as I write this; “love what you do and never work a day in your life.” I know these are words of wisdom that have been made into inspiring Internet mantras with beautiful photographs behind them but I see the truth in these words. I want to be excited about my life!

I feel like a metaphysical sponge seeking as much new information I can get my hands on. I frequently search out classes, YouTube videos, books on metaphysical topics, the Internet, Podcasts and anyone that is knowledgeable and will speak to me about the topic. I feel like any information that aligns with my beliefs is teaching me about my own personal truths. All my own experiences with the Divine, workshops I’ve taken, energy work I’ve had done and had encounters with channelers, psychics and shamans have assisted me in the last year of my spiritual enlightenment but I’ll save those stories for another time.

I also feel like the veil society has placed around me has lifted. I will resist the urge to post the scene from the Matrix that has Neo choosing to take the red or green pill. Instead I will include a clip from one of my favourite childhood movies, “Labyrinth”.

I confess I had a crush on David Bowie after watching this movie many times on VHS. I now see what he represents and it’s not just the bad boy making promises that he probably can’t keep. I see now he is our Society virtually promising us our so-called heart's desires. Ever notice in advertising that they use the word virtual in front of the product slogan they are pedaling? Did you know according to virtual means being such in power, force, or effect though not actually expressly such. It makes any promising statement that products are selling obsolete. My eye is open… maybe it’s time to return to virtue instead of virtual.

I see through all the advertising on Television, I see how we are harming each other, mother earth and ourselves. I see how lack my diet is in nutrients and how deficient my life has been in the name of striving for what society tells me will make me happy. I love when the Goblin King says, “Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want.” he continues to say, “Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.” What could the King give her that she couldn’t get for herself… stuff!

I see the people that run our society based on their own agendas that involve their profit margin and not the people’s highest and best interests. We are encouraged to be sedated and lulled into a false sense of safety by purchasing “stuff”. If we purchase Product X or Car Y our lives will be perfect, if we lose this much weight on this system eating food that is not spiritually digestible for us we will be satisfied with who we are. If we use this product to clean our tub our soul will sparkle too. Karl Marx said, “Religion is opium of the people.” I’d like to change that to today’s opium is television.

I’m guilty, I see the over indulgent facets of my personality. The person that loved to shop and still does, eats too much sugar, stays up too late, doesn’t work out enough and wants the new iTech toy and yes, watches too much television. I, like the lovely young heroin in “Labyrinth”, have come to realize that the people that think they control society have no power over me! My voice is powerful, I am powerful and we are all powerful. Together, we as humanity are all connected, we can make changes to improve our world but first we have to shut off the television, we need to stop this current cycle we are on and wake-up spiritually. I’m using television as a generalization but you get my drift. I see us all connected, think of the changes we could make if we worked together and awoke our passions. I’m sure we could solve world hunger before lunch tomorrow.

Since my third eye has been open I have found it hard to sit through an entire television episode without going on my “eye”Pad. I am more content to connect to more valuable information about life in general that be inundated with violence and bad plots and poorly written story lines. I want to spend time out in nature; I want to be with the people I love, doing what I love. I want satisfaction from my life experiences. I don’t want to get to the end of my life and realize I acquired a bunch of empty junk. Ever seen the bumper sticker, “He who dies with the most toys wins!” Wins what exactly? Bragging rights? I doubt that, maybe another chance to reincarnate and come back and do it all again. Nah, I’ll pass. I want a succulent, passionate life full of experiences right now. I feel like I’ve woken up, I don’t want to hit the snooze button on my life and go back to sleep. I want to live and savor each and every moment of my life right now… that is what I’m noticing.

I'll leave you will this lovely clip from The Honest Guys channel on YouTube.

Thanks for reading! In love and light!

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