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Kate King Jewellery

Today I wanted to write about a fabulous jewellery store in Willow Park Village. It sells vibrational jewelry. The store is called Kate King Jewellery and is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The website is The idea behind the jewellery is that the frequency of the gemstones affects our physical vibrations and should harmonize with the wearer and “complement our personal resonance”.

I stopped by one afternoon while I was out Christmas shopping. The woman who greeted me upon entering the shop happened to be the owner and designer. Kate was very friendly and quickly asked my birth date, birth year and what three things I was working on in my life. She began assessing my answers and recommended what stones would work well for me. With my birthday in October she told me I was a wind soul/earth physical sign and that I am harmonized by fire and storm elements and I should avoid earth, air and water stones. I tried on many beautiful pendants but was drawn to a large man-made Atlantean Light Blue Green Spinel. She believes that in order for the stones to work they should be a minimum of 10 carats and are most powerful when work as pendants on necklaces over the chakras. I didn’t purchase a pendant that day but I did leave the store with a book of their stones and a beautiful 30-pound slab meditation seat of gem grade selenite! Selenite is a favorite stone of mine.


I am very sensitive to Selenite and could feel the immediate change to my house when I brought in the seat. When I am near it the hair on my arms stands on end. It’s a very relaxing and calming stone for me. I have been using it to cleanse my other crystals. As much as I enjoyed my new piece I still had the burning desire to acquire a necklace.

I spent a few days scouring over the book they give you when you enter the store. There are many different stones to choose from and each is categorized into earth, air, water, fire and storm elements, they also include descriptions of how the stone will aid you in your life. I decided I wanted to try on the Atlantean Spinel again and also the Blue Green Spinel. Both claim to activate the psychic senses among other things. When I returned to the store on Boxing Day, Laura, who is one of the associates, helped me in selecting a pendant. I now realize that I need to go back and purchase some more as soon as I can afford it. Kate firmly believes that you should use have a toolbox of stones to assist you in your life and that you should wear the correct stone for the correct situation. I purchased the Blue Green Spinel for $470, a Tanzanite Effect Sapphire for $175 (on sale 50% off) and a pair of Angel Aura Serenity earrings for $45 (on sale 50% off). The silver handmade chain was $75. Did I mention I’m a recovering shopping addict?


I wasn’t sure about the claims of the stones and how it would improve my life but I was willing to try and see what would happen as I wore them. I’ve been wearing them now for the past month. I find the change is slight at first but as I examine my thoughts I see how they have improved. I exclusively wore the Blue Green Spinel for the first three weeks of January. The book from the store claims that this stone is used to release negativity and encourages one to “let go and let God” I have found that I have actually let go of things I was dwelling on from the past and when I ask myself if I really have let them go then answer is YES! I will update later on the claims of this stones clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience as this is no different then before. It also says that this stone will lead me to my sacred path… we’ll see about that one. This last week I decided to switch to wearing the Tanzanite Effect Sapphire. I noticed the effects of this stone immediately. I haven’t read the paragraph on this stone for a while and I’m amazed that I’m experiencing exactly what it is written about it. I’ve been feeling like my third eye is emblazoned on my forehead since I started wearing this beautiful stone. I feel like I can almost see out of it like I do with my normal eyesight. I haven’t noticed any physic abilities developing other than a lot of clarity on my life. I see other family member and friends following their life paths opening up to them and I’m seeing a lot of clarity about my own life path. I attempted a hall of records guided meditation last week while wearing the sapphire and I felt very comforted in knowing that everything will happen in due time for me. The book also says it helps to stay focused while multi-tasking. I’m finding this to be true even as I’m writing this I’m trying to do four other tasks at the same time. I’m not sure about the Angel Aura Serenity earrings. I wear them almost daily; the ringing in my ears is approximately the same amount as before I started wearing them. I will update if I see any huge developments as I wear them more.


My final thoughts are this jewellery is amazing! Many of us are changing and experiencing spiritual awakenings. I know I am sensitive to crystals from the first time I held a pink rose quartz and felt like I could cry from the love it was emanating. Stones and crystals are energy and are here to help us. I know the prices are not for everyone but this store does have smaller more affordable stones available too. I loved the awesome service I received and I feel this is a great product. I can’t wait until I can buy another piece.

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