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Final Thoughts on my Meditation Class

So my meditation class finished a week ago. It was a six-week course at the Centre for Spiritual Living taught by Dr. Pat Campbell. It really was a wonderful experience and I can’t say enough good things about it. I realized something was missing from my life this week, it donned on me that it was that I hadn’t attended the meditation class. I was sad it had ended…

I wanted to share some of the wonderful meditations we did in the class.

I loved when we came together as a group and simply sat in silence for 15 minutes at the beginning of every class. There’s something about meditating with a group of people around you that is different from sitting silently at home. Neither is better in any way, just different.

Dr. Pat showed us this lovely meditation video on the chakras early on in the course. I thought it was great for explaining what each chakra did and what kundalini energy is. I thought it was interesting that before watching this video we meditated on the chakras and I visualized my chakras as flat rotating discs, much the same as the movie.

Another meditation that resonated with me was the walking meditation. We were instructed to go for a walk for 30-minutes alone and not talk to anyone. I chose to walk in the residential area around the centre. I found myself repeating “I am” as I walked further away from the centre. I was focused on the pain in my feet as I walked and I was working on keeping the thoughts out of my head. Something happened as I turned the corner, I stopped saying my mantra and started acknowledging the beauty that was around me. I noticed the sun was abnormally warm for the time of year, I noticed the flowers that were starting to bloom and I noticed beauty in unexpected places. I felt grateful and inspired and that creativity was flowing from the Divine source.

The last meditation I wanted to comment on was the written meditation. I was disappointed the night it was announced that this would be the topic for the class. I’m currently finding the things in my life I don’t want to do are the things I need to do the most for my spiritual growth. Dr. Pat instructed us that the best time to do this mediation is before bed with no distractions (yes, that means shutting the TV off and finding a quiet space). She gave us an example of how she wrote hers to her calve muscles. It started off funny but quickly delved into what she needed to do for her body to alleviate her pain. I loved that this meditation could put you in touch with any part of your body, mind, spirit or any aspect of your life. This could be done in a notebook on piece of paper. We were told not to do it on a computer, that writing was more effective. It was even suggested to use you non-dominant hand to write your answers. That seemed a bit harder to me. At the top of the paper we were to write the goal for this meditation. We were then instructed to write a script format. With our name at the top and phrase our question. I found it difficult to ask in depth questions and would warrant longer answers then the basic yes or no. We were to sit quietly pondering our question until we heard an answer. Upon hearing the answer we were to write that down. I found that I was slow to receive answers in the beginning but by the end of it I was receiving full instructions to improve my life. I love listening to channelers on Youtube, my favourites are Abraham Hicks and I really like Taryn Crimi and her Angelic Guides channel and I felt this was the closest I’ve been to channeling information from source.

I’ll end this with one of my favourite quotes of meditation by Diane Robinson, “Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God”. I definitely learned a lot. I understand now how essential meditation is to my well-being. I will continue my nightly meditation ritual of listening to guided meditations before I drift off to sleep but I will be adding in much of what I’ve learned to the rest of my life.

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